Creative Play Newsletter (Vol. 1, Issue 6) - Give a Gift - Julie Brown Neu

Creative Play Newsletter (Vol. 1, Issue 6) – Give a Gift

‘Tis the season of giving. You’re probably making your lists and checking them twice, planning gifts for your kids, your parents, your spouses and partners, friends and other loved ones. But, when was the last time you gave yourself a gift? Last month, I talked about the importance of solitude and quiet, which especially this time of year can really feel like a gift. Another gift you can give yourself is permission to go on a creative excursion.


In “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron, she talks about two essential elements of creative practice: Morning Pages and Artist Dates. In an Artist Date, you get yourself out of the studio and out of your routine to experience something new and maybe see the world a little differently. You can go to an art museum, walk through a garden, visit a library, etc. One of my favorite things to do is to tuck a few dollars into my pocket and wander the aisles of an art supply store until I find something that speaks to me. Then, I come home with a new box of crayons or set of paints and I get the benefit of both the sensory stimulation of being in the store exploring new mediums and of trying something new at home. The point is just to experience something a little out of the ordinary that might spark something for your art.  Will your art ever be new if you never do anything new?

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