At the beginning of the year, I joined the American Patchwork & Quilting 2016 UFO Challenge. For the challenge, you label your UFOs 1-12 and each month, APQ picks a number to work on. I did well with them for a while, but I totally fell off the wagon in October. However, I banged out two this weekend so I’ll finish the year with 10 of 12 complete and I’ll definitely take those numbers. Some of my UFOs had been in there for a decade so It’s great to clear them out. I’ve already got my 12 UFOs picked out for 2017. (Well, 10 because 2 will carry over.)
This weekend, I threw one UFO away, which is by far the easiest way to finish a UFO. I decided that I didn’t want to finish it so I cut off the big parts of the background for scraps and pitched it. One down! The other UFO was a Peruvian rug that I have needed to put a hanging sleeve on for many years. It’s embarrassing that so many of my UFOs literally required an hour or less of my time. Anyway, hanging sleeve complete and weaving hung (finally).