My scrap basket runneth over and you know what that means? It’s time to make some scrap quilts! Earlier in the week, I told you I was planning something light for summer. Well, this is it, the Summer of Scraps! I’m going to focus on easy sewing this summer and make some scrap quilts. I am challenging myself to make one top a week in July and August. (Yes, it’s probably going to be lap quilt sized.) I’m also challenging myself to do something different each week. And, I would love to have your help. Share photos of scrap quilts you’ve made using the hashtag #summerofscraps or email me a photo that you give me permission to post). If you share a photo, I will enter your name into a drawing at the end of the summer. The winner will be able to choose the scrap top that she or he wants and I’ll put it in the mail to you. (The rest most likely become UFOs for next year’s
American Patchwork & Quilting challenge.)
If you don’t have a photo but still want to join in, I’d also love your comments here on the blog or on the Facebook page. Let me know what you think of the scrap tops, offer suggestions of things to try, share your stories about scraps or scrap quilts and I will enter your name into a drawing too. Winners of the comment drawing will get a scrap bag. If I don’t have any scraps left at the end of the summer (wouldn’t that be nice?), then I’ll make some new ones to send you.
Who’s in for a summer of scraps?