An exhibit of my Victims Quilt Project quilts, entitled “Disarming: Memorial Quilts for Mass Shooting Victims” will open April 20th at the Arlington Center for the Arts, located at 20 Academy Street in Arlington, Mass.
Opening Reception: April 27th, 4 – 6 PM at ACA
The exhibit will include all 14 memorial quilts for shootings in:
- Columbine High School, CO
- Virginia Tech, VA
- Binghamton, NY
- Fort Hood, TX
- Aurora, CO
- Sandy Hook Elementary, CT
- Washington, DC
- San Bernardino, CA
- Orlando, FL
- Las Vegas, NV
- Sutherland Springs, TX
- Parkland, FL
- Pittsburgh, PA
- Thousand Oaks, CA
My quilts “Bullet Holes” with holes representing all of the victims of mass shootings since 1990, and “In Our Sights,” which includes pages from The New York Times covering the shooting in Las Vegas will be hanging as well.
For more information about the exhibit, please see the Arlington Center for the Arts website.