Uncategorized Archives - Page 3 of 9 - Julie Brown Neu


March 24, 2017 | Uncategorized

Quilts for Sale

I’ve just added a few more quilts for sale in my shop. Now all of my favorite art quilts are available for purchase, including “Circles,” which I created last year.

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January 5, 2017 | Uncategorized

2016 Year in Review

I’ve seen a few “Year in Review” blog posts lately and decided that it is a great idea.  I have long done that in my personal life and it seems like a good practice for my quilting work too so here goes: One of my biggest quilting accomplishments this year …

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November 24, 2016 | Uncategorized

Happy Thanksgiving!

On this day of thanksgiving, in between the turkey and the really awkward conversations about politics with family, I want to take a few minutes to thank you for being here.  After some struggle, I am finally living the life of my dreams, pursuing the work that I believe to …

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November 3, 2016 | Uncategorized

Orlando Victims

After a little hiatus from my project, I am back to work on my Victims Quilt, making what I hope will be the last blocks. These blocks are the first four of the 49 I will make for the victims of the shooting at the nightclub in Orlando just a few …

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July 28, 2016 | Uncategorized

TBT – Quilter’s Newsletter

Last week I learned that after 47 years, Quilter’s Newsletter will cease publication.  I am so filled with sadness by this news for many reasons. IMHO, Quilter’s Newsletter is very different from the other quilting magazines available because, though it has patterns in it, it includes articles about quilting history, …

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June 23, 2016 | Uncategorized

#TBT – Launching My New Life

A year ago today I posted here about “Launching My New Life” and finally pursuing quilting as a profession.  I thought I would use this Throwback Thursday post to give an update on that.  I am happy to report that I am still on this path.  I didn’t quit yet …

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May 26, 2016 | Uncategorized

#TBT – Journal Quilt Project Lessons Learned

I wrapped up my year-long journal quilting project in 2012, two weeks after my daughter was born. It was a terrific project for me and one that I am tempted to repeat. If nothing else, I had something on my to do list every week that encouraged me to get …

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May 19, 2016 | Uncategorized

#TBT – Journal Quilt Week 52

I can’t believe that I have now been posting these Turn Back Thursday journal quilt posts for an entire year. But, here we are, at the end of my journal quilting project. Like last week’s quilt, this one was made a little late because we were home with a newborn …

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May 12, 2016 | Uncategorized

#TBT – Journal Quilt Week 51

The journal quilt for week 51 did not get made that week (or the next). As Week 51 of my project began, I was in the hospital having just delivered a baby.  The timing had been perfect – our child was due the week after my journal quilt project was …

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May 5, 2016 | Uncategorized

#TBT – Journal Quilt Week 50

Ah, the Tin Anniversary.  This week in 2012, my DH and I celebrated our 10th anniversary, the tin anniversary, which is what inspired the periodic table journal quilt.  My DH jokes though that it is actually the baby anniversary.  We didn’t know it at the time because our daughter arrived …

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