Authentic Self - Julie Brown Neu

Authentic Self

Over the past few weeks, I have been working on my “Authentic Self” quilt. In addition to photos of me from points in my life from infancy to my 40th birthday, I have included photos of travel, hobbies, etc. and other things that represent who I am.  I am also making use of my extensive purple batik collection for the quilt.

For the photos of my hobbies and travel, I am thread painting a portion of the photo, which I printed in black and white, using shades of purple.  A few more shades of purple thread would be nice and I could also use a better stabilizer, but I am generally pleased with the results:

Gondola Thread PaintingThe one thing that I am not too happy about with the quilt is how off my seam allowances are. I don’t have a 1/4 inch piecing foot yet for my new machine and I am not great at eyeballing it. However, I am trying to remind myself that my authentic self probably doesn’t need to be so much of a perfectionist.




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