Creative Play Newsletter - Brain Fog - Julie Brown Neu

Creative Play Newsletter – Brain Fog

I had a meeting this week at work of the textile crafting group. (Yes, textile crafting librarians – totally my tribe!) We were talking about our COVID brains and how hard it has been to focus. None of us have been able to tackle anything new or complicated in over a year and it was refreshing to know that I’m not the only one. We talked about not being able to concentrate on movies, long books, or anything but the simplest sewing projects. So, if you’ve been feeling like you just can’t focus or get involved in projects, that you have lost your ability to get things done, know that you are not alone.

I think it’s worth remembering that even if we aren’t in crisis mode, we’ve all been living with the stress and uncertainty of a global pandemic. The symptoms of chronic stress include: fatigue, headaches, difficulty concentrating, difficulty sleeping, etc. (Got any of those?) So, it’s no wonder we’re not doing our most creative work, making elaborate constructions, or even being able to sit still long enough to sew a seam. Our bodies are concentrating on just getting through this and that is enough.

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