Explore - What's Whispering to You? - Julie Brown Neu

Explore – What’s Whispering to You?

If you’ve decided to begin this creativity journey something whispers to you just as it did to me. The sound may be coming to you faintly, coming from a place deep in your soul, but the whispers are likely there. Can you hear them? If the whispers are faint, try a writing exercise. Contemplate a life with no restrictions. I have just waved my magic wand for you as your fairy godmother and removed every obstacle between you and the life you want. You have all the money that you need, all the education that you need, all the talent and skills you need. You have enough and you are enough. What does your life look like?

Take out paper and a pen or pencil and write. Describe this life. Keep writing even if you fill the space with “I love this life, but can’t think of anything else to write.” Write whatever flows from your pen even if it feels like it is unrelated. Fill three pages before you stop. When you are done, you should have a clearer idea of what those whispers were trying to tell you, now in black and white. If the message is not obvious in the moment, put your sheets away and reread them tomorrow. Let the insights marinate overnight and they will be stronger in the morning.

Want to join others on the journey with you? Come to the Creativity Explorers Club on Facebook.

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