Creative Play Newsletter Vol.2, Issue 5 - With Gratitude - Julie Brown Neu

Creative Play Newsletter Vol.2, Issue 5 – With Gratitude

November is apparently “Gratitude Month.”  I don’t remember when it was officially created, but I have seen announcements of that popping up more frequently over the last few years. With Thanksgiving occurring in a few weeks, “Gratitude Month” does make sense. So, I want to take the time to say that I am grateful to all of you. Thank you all for your support over the last year and a half as I went on my personal journey into my creativity and officially launched Creative Play™.

I have often felt so very alone in my journey. I thought I was the only person who was unhappy and that I just needed to put on my big girl pants and go to the office with a smile on my face and work my hardest, even in the jobs that I loathed.  I thought that “real” jobs are what adulthood is all about and doing what you love is either a fantasy or it’s something for a select few lucky people. As I started to believe that maybe I could be one of those lucky people and that I actually deserved work that I love and happiness to boot, you all supported me. You encouraged me to stay on my path (though I still don’t really know where that path is going!) and for that, I thank you.

Then, I began to think that maybe I wasn’t so alone after all and that I wasn’t the only one in need of a little creative fulfillment in life. When Creative Play™ was just the stirrings of an idea, you all supported me again. You shared your stories with me. You told me how valuable you thought this pursuit was and encouraged me to believe that I have something to offer the world through this. I am grateful for that.

Your support and encouragement has helped me believe that happiness is possible and that I deserve to do work that brings me happiness. I am eternally grateful to you for that.

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