Act - Daily Quiet - Julie Brown Neu

Act – Daily Quiet

dock in a mountain lake on a summer day

Exercise #4 in Stage Six of the Creativity Journey – Rest and Listen

In this second half of your creativity journey, it’s time to begin developing your creative practice. First step? Add some daily quiet. This is your practice so think about what form you want your quiet to take. Perhaps you are meant to be a meditator and your quiet practice will include 20 minutes a day of sitting in silent meditation. Maybe you are a writer and your quiet time will be a period of reflection and journaling. Or, you may find yourself thinking, “Get real, lady. I don’t have two minutes, much less 20 to meditate or journal.” If that’s your situation, perhaps a coffee or tea meditation is the right quiet time for you. Give yourself an actual coffee break. When you get up to pop a pod in the machine or turn on the kettle, leave your phone on your desk. Stand silently as you wait for your beverage to brew and look out a window if you’re lucky enough to have one near the coffee station. When you return to your desk with your mug, take one minute to sip silently before you turn back to your computer. You will find even those few minutes of stillness to be precious and to those around you, you’re merely getting more fuel to get back to the grind.

Give some thought as well to when you want to have your moments of stillness. Maybe you snatch them as you can during the day, taking advantage of the coffee break or the long checkout line at the grocery store. If you are a morning person, you may schedule your time before everyone else in the house gets up. Or, perhaps you’ll prefer to have time at the end of the day to wind down. This is your practice so decide what is best for you and make it happen every day.

Want to join others on the journey with you? Come to the Creativity Explorers Club on Facebook.

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